Blurred Emotions

It was a lousy day, but I tried to be vibrant, just like my city Delhi. Well, I attended a meeting in the metro and applied eyeliner while listening to A R Rahman. I was God for a day.
I am not familiar with poetry. It is an art that resonates with your soul. But, I understand that if certain words are coerced in the correct order, they either make you ecstatic or bust you apart.
Oh, and I tried to be a poet. A miserable attempt, if I say.
are we living in an era where broken hearts are the only matter of contention? have our souls become lonely before our hearts got broken? is it the voice or your life, that gets more depressed after you listen to a sad song? has pain made us stronger or our wounds has made us weak? why is it childish to eat lollipops even at 21? why does crying make some of us more comfortable than laughter?
What is the meaning of being together? Why do sad thoughts come like a flow but we have to try for happy ones? Why are the sky blue and sun yellow and not the other way?
why do small thing’s hurt most than bigger ones?
The word fuck has become cooler than respect.
And the heart has been broken trillion times even before you fall in love!
As a flesh, you will try to fight destiny and compete with fate. But, years later the metaphor still stands true word by word.
Try not to dwell and swell. Life is tough, and so are you!